Doug's Darkworld

War, Science, and Philosophy in a Fractured World.

“This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.”

with 277 comments

Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on-line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it’s posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it’s a great month to enjoy the weekend and so on. And as I read on, as my astute readers may have guessed, I was soon pounding my head on my keyboard in amazement and horror. Is the average Internet reader so brain-dead that they believe the most egregious garbage if they see it posted on a  website?

Apparently so. Let’s think about this, a year can only start on one of seven days, so there are seven possible basic calendar years. Add leap years, and there are fourteen basic calendars. Period. And one of those calendars only gets used every 823 years? How would that be possible? It’s not of course, all fourteen calendars get cycled through regularly, in fact 2010 uses the exact same calendar as 1999. That’s eleven years, not 823. The calendar above is a copy of an October 1999 calendar, not 2010. Now that my amazement is over, I’m appalled, though not surprised. I read literally hundreds of people’s comments related to this factoid, and maybe one percent of the comments were of the “that can’t be right” variety. The other 99% of people who read it simply accepted it at face value. What the hell is going on here?

Well, for one thing, it’s clear to me that most people are all to happy to succumb to “argument from authority.” Basically that means if they trust the source of some tidbit of information, they believe it. And apparently a huge number of people think that if they see something posted on a blog somewhere, and it doesn’t contradict their world view, it must be true. It’s hard to imagine the five weekends thing as being a threat to any particular religion, politics, or ideology, and that’s apparently as deep as most people’s filters operate.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the Internet is changing society and people, and I’ve not been reassured. Other people have been thinking along the same lines: How the Internet is making us stupid and Is Google making us stupid? Both articles basically make the same case, that the Internet is promoting shallow thinking and multi-tasking over deep thinking and contemplation. And our brains are changing as we spend time online, reinforcing these changes. The second article makes the point that this isn’t the first time this happened. When public education was invented and writing became popular, scholars and thinkers bemoaned that people would become lazy thinkers and forgetful. When the printing press was invented, people had similar concerns, that the printing press would spread shallow garbage and make people less attuned to the great works of the written word. And while there was some truth to these concerns, writing and then the printed word did and do have huge benefits.

I can’t argue against the points raised in these and other articles and research, studies seem to show that lots of Internet use has a measurable effect on how people perform a number of tasks. One study for example had a class divided into two groups. One group used their laptops while listening to a lecture, the other half merely listened. And which group understood and retained the content of the lecture? The ones who didn’t have their laptops open.  Basically the laptops were a distraction,  this shouldn’t come as a surprise. I dunno though, there’s never been a real shortage of shallow thinkers throughout history, and it’s not exactly a revelation that paying attention is the best way to learn something.

So to some extent these concerns being raised are belabouring the obvious. Sure, the Internet makes it easy to be a shallow flighty thinker, but it’s not like people can’t concentrate and read articles if they want. I make a point of reading articles in their entirely if they look interesting, and my blog posts are getting longer and more in-depth. So if computers and the Internet were an ideologically neutral playing field, sure, they might promote some shallow thinking, but so what? It’s always been that way, and other people would be able to use the Internet to increase their understanding. So this isn’t quite what concerns me about the Internet.  I’m more concerned with more widespread effects on our society, or more accurately how the Internet is being used to deliberately manipulate what people think.

The power of the Internet to sway the body politic so to speak. No one predicted the power that television would give to the advertising industry, it completely changed aspects of our society and industry in ways that are still unfolding. And the Internet is not only expanding on that, it has proved to be a powerful tool for any group with an agenda to spread its message and both influence and convert followers. Simultaneously both the largest governments and the smallest extremist group have a powerful new tool to spread their world view. Is this why elements of the US government want to restrict Internet access for Americans?

IDK, my whole point here, if there can even be said to be a point, is that the above illustrated tendency of people to uncritically believe something they read is a tremendous loophole in human society, and a lot of people are actively exploiting that loophole. It’s possible the calendar falsehood in the title may have been deliberately created to study how gullible people are and how to write a message that will be accepted at face value by people who read it. Yes, the Internet is allowing people to program society.

And that scares me.

Postscript: This post is so far my most visited post ever, so I wrote a follow-up post.

(The above image came from a  free calendar site so I think it’s OK to use. Credit and copyright: Rocket Calendars. Save your 2010 calendar, it will be good again in these upcoming years:  2021, 2027, 2038, 2049, and 2055. And for future reference, 2066, 2077, 2083, 2094, and 2100.)

Written by unitedcats

October 4, 2010 at 9:48 am

Posted in Philosophy, Propaganda, World

Tagged with ,

277 Responses

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  1. Good for you, Doug. I read this online too and was immediately skeptical. I’ve often checked the urban-mythicality of such trivia on, and sent the time-waster who forwarded the false info a link to the truth. I couldn’t find this one on snopes (yet) – thanks for being there for me to quote.

    Ciao, Niki


    October 4, 2010 at 10:50 am

    • somebody is bullshitting and a lot of people believed that it’s 823 years…..


      October 9, 2010 at 12:57 pm

      • Yes, and in the vernacular, they’re called liberals!


        October 30, 2010 at 6:49 pm

    • I did see one version of this factoid that included the fact that this month also includes the date 10-10-10. Since this date only occurs once a century and the five Fri/Sat/Sun occur only once every 7 or 8 years then 823 years to get all of the above happening is certainly in the ballpark. (I didn’t try to determine if 823 is exactly correct because I also have a life!)

      Bill G

      October 12, 2010 at 7:08 am

      • Correction:
        “…the five Fri/Sat/Sun occurs only once out of every 7 or 8 months…”

        Bill G

        October 12, 2010 at 7:10 am

      • Even the 10-10-10 + 5FriSatSun combination can’t be 823 – the century requirement would necessitate increments of 100. Again, a simple evaluation…


        October 14, 2010 at 9:29 pm

      • faut: en 1909,1915,1920,1926,1937,1943,1948,1954,1965,1971,1976,1982,1993,1999,2004,2010,
        2021, 2027, 2032,….
        à chaque fois que le 1er octobre tombe un vendredi forcément


        October 24, 2010 at 11:43 am

      • Isn’t it common knowledge that the Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years? And that’s exactly how often you find 10-10-10 together with five Fri/Sat/Sun in October. No miracle.

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        October 10, 2011 at 4:59 am

      • It amazes me how many people are fascinated with this particular post! I know that I was taken in by it over a year ago.


        October 10, 2011 at 5:21 am

    • You are so right, May, 1999. I have a widgit calendar that goes back to that year (although I didn’t check out years after that.)

      The media is lame…so, so lame.

      You rock dude!


      October 14, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    • What is funny is the post says once in every 823 years then at the bottom it says you can keep your 2010 calander and reuse in in 2021, 2027, 2038, 2049, and 2055. And for future reference, 2066, 2077, 2083, 2094, and 2100.)

      Looks like it happens far more often to me!


      October 24, 2010 at 10:53 am

      • Jerry, if you had read the entire post (which you obviously didn’t), you would see why the headline and the postscript contradict each other. The whole point of the post was to say that people will read anything they see and take it as fact, without checking it out or using their brain to think logically through it. It also implies that people have a tendancy not to read entire articles, only to skim them for the information they want to see. Sound familiar?


        October 26, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    • Can someone find a flaw in my hurried logic?

      Each 31 day month has 1/7 chance of starting on a friday and thus having 3 fridays, sats and sundays. So 1/7 chance.

      And there are seven 31-day months every year.

      So 1/7 x 7, it seems the odds are this would occur on average about once a year in one month or another. Can anyone point out an error in that logic? I fear there might be something simple I’m overlooking.

      Terry Dunham

      March 26, 2011 at 7:41 pm

      • On average you are right. But there can be years when you won’t find any month with 5 fridays, saturdays and sundays (you wrote 3, probably a typo).

        Let’s take the calendar of 2011. We find out, that the first days of the 31 day months are: 01-sat, 03-tue, 05-sun, 07-fri, 08-mon, 10-sat and 12-thu. So there is no month with 5 wed/thu/fri in 2011. If we consider leap years, it makes no big difference: from March on, the gaps are the same; the only difference we find is that in leap years Jan. 1st is not the same day of the week as Oct. 1st, but the same day as July 1st.

        So we can easily decuct that if in 2011 there is no month with 5 wed/thu/fri, then already 2012 (a leap year) will be without 5 fri/sat/sun. A check against my Outlook calendar confirms this theory.

        But if you don’t restrict the observations to the 31 day months, you will find out that within any given year the 1st day of the month will be distributed over all 7 days of the week; for this reason you will never find a year that would not contain a Friday the 13th. Any month’s 13th day will fall on a Friday if the month starts on a Sunday.

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        October 10, 2011 at 6:09 am

    • hi, you all missed the point. 5 saturdays and sundays happens often, THIS year october we have 5 saturdays, sundays AND 5 mondays! THAT happens only once in 823 years was their point.

      Jerrold C. Johnson

      September 29, 2011 at 3:40 am

      • Don’t be an idiot. What part of the fact that there are only 14 possible calanders and they all get recycled every 6 – 11 years, including this one, did you not get?


        September 30, 2011 at 4:31 am

      • If by 823 years, you mean 2016, then you would would be correct. Of course, I did nothing but thing for myself, and look at a calender.


        September 30, 2011 at 8:45 am

      • Jim, you wrote: “they all get recycled every 6–11 years”.

        Wrong: they all get recycled every 5–11 years.

        The pattern is 6-5-6-11 as long as you don’t stumble over years like 1900 or 2100, which can be divided in whole numbers by 100, but not by 400. And with the same exception, there is a regular cycle of 28 years when calendars get recycled (and – surprise, surprise: 6 + 5 + 6 + 11 = 28).

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        October 12, 2011 at 7:32 am

    • I couldnt comment so decided to reply to a comment instead. I am a young Masters student who uses a variety of mediums to get information. Cant schools be blamed for not teaching people about our calender rather than blaming the internet because someone used it to play a hoax? The internet has been a hot issue for debate for a very long time and i studied these debates in my first degree, but i still hear the phrase “dont always believe what you read in books.” Like you said, books and the printing press gave birth to a variety of issues and problems which scared academics. Television, radio, all advancements in communication technology to be precise. But we cannot cease to advance because of fear. The news spouts rubbish, news papers have turned into magazines and celebrity focused cheap sources of entertainment. But the internet is different. There are books, some so rare you’d never be able to read them without the right connections or clearance, there are historical records, databases, encyclopedias and hundreds more sources of information. I dont think we can safely say that the masses have only just become gullible and susceptible to manipulation,.That has come hand in hand with every form of communication or medium ever invented. Just think of the war of the worlds radio incident, were millions of the population listened to their radios, scared and paranoid because they truly believed what they were hearing. I dont think that the internet can be damned because of a few moronic people who sit around and think up complete nonsense to ‘deliberately manipulate people’. This notion is nothing new nor is it specific to the internet. People are responsible for what they believe and what they dont. Most theorists talk of the masses as passive unthinking morons who absorb everything they see and hear and are easily mislead. Give them more credit. Is it really the internets fault that people are too lazy to actually check the so called facts they read? The internet has given rise to many changes to society, individuals, socialising, communications, globalisation and the list goes on. But we are an ever advancing race! It is in our curios explorers nature to constantly think of new things to build, new things to take us to new places or open new doors. But it is in our ancestors blood to dislike change and to fear the unknown. The internet will be old news soon enough, it will be taught in history books and our childrens childrens children will laugh at us and our awe for something that to them is common place. The internet provides wonderful opportunities not just for a select few but for everyone. It could (and is) be used for wonderful things. But like anything, something with so much power will always be abused by some. It is our personal responsibility to make sure that doesnt happen. We can never revert back, or unevolve, its impossible. Restricting access to the internet is wrong in every possible way. We have created something wonderful and each and every one of us has a personal responsibility to not abuse it, use it to do wrong, use it to manipulate and so on. But unfortunately, these things are also part of our nature. The internet doesnt program society, society programs people who programs the internet. One thing alone is never in an act by itself. Our world is linked up to many things, and all our structures are linked up to many things. The internet is a part of that structure. Let us embrace it and think with open minds as to how it can be used for good and like this ONLINE ARTICLE does, right the wrongs that others do.


      September 29, 2011 at 3:59 am

      • I’m certainly not a college graduate and my school of higher learning has come by trial and error. This being said,I was taught dont believe what you see, half of what you read and nothing of what you hear. Mankind will always have different point of views,that makes us able to express ourselves. Sometimes the truth is a large pill to swallow. Not to confuse the issue but isnt 5 pay periods a month much more worthy to track?


        April 24, 2012 at 3:08 pm

  2. Doug,

    People and society have always been this stupid and dumb; the only thing the internet and Google have done is display that stupidity quicker.

    Nicholas Scarbriel

    October 4, 2010 at 12:51 pm

  3. There’s bull-shit, and there’s pure bull-shit.
    So often you hear stuff which seems unbelievable and unless you agree to go along with the source – you get labelled as being negative and are a cynic.
    Always check it out!
    Well done Doug!


    October 4, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    • The thing is, PR-M, this is a greater problem with believable things than with unbelievable things. If I tell you that Queen Elizabeth II was born on January 18, 1938, you’ll probably just believe me without even noticing that I made an unlikely claim without evidence. (And yes, that claim is unlikely: given her approximate age, there are thousands of days she could have been born on.)

      People believe the believable, no matter how unlikely.

      Tanner Swett

      October 4, 2010 at 9:46 pm

      • Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) was born on 21 April, 1926


        June 20, 2011 at 11:31 am

  4. I too did not believe this straight away when I saw numerous facebook groups pop up with this ‘fact’. Thanks for this blog entry which confirmed my opinion on this matter and also has enabled me to prove my friends wrong!


    October 4, 2010 at 1:25 pm

  5. iv just read this and i posted it on face book because i see allot of people joining a group with this hoxe so i posted link to your site i new it couldn’t have been right thanks allot for this it really cleared things up for me and probably allot of people of the facebook community


    October 4, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    • Lol, thats the same place I saw it on! I was like….Wait a minute. That can’t be right!!! *googled it*


      October 6, 2010 at 9:25 am

    • Apparently the Internet (especially texting, IMs, and E-mail) also makes people rather incapable of properly spelling, punctuating, or constructing a sentence, hmmm?

      Paula Fonseca

      October 9, 2010 at 9:40 am

      • Well, well, well, and here I was thinking that I was the only one left on the planet that actually takes the time to use spelling and grammar checkers. I am happy meet you, so to speak, Paula. I award 10 out of 10 to you. The original article also leaves a great deal to be desired!


        October 22, 2010 at 12:35 am

      • @Roland: It’s “I am happy to meet you, so to speak, Paula.” Only 9 out of 10 for you.


        October 25, 2010 at 3:39 am

      • So true Paula,sad but true.No wonder our next generation can’t pass scholastic testing. Imagine for a minute all the essay’s we wrote were abbreviated in phonic fashion.


        April 24, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    • Jessica,
      Learn English and grammer before trying to tell other people that they’re wrong.


      June 30, 2011 at 1:24 pm

      • you do know you misspelled “grammer”, right? So we need to add spelling to your list of things to learn. Plus the definition of irony.


        June 30, 2011 at 6:29 pm

  6. Me too. I agree with Nicholas Scarbriel, high-tech souped up Gossip and Rumors.



    October 4, 2010 at 2:18 pm

  7. Nicholas nailed it on the head. How often do you have your middle schooler coming home telling you something that his friends told him? My brother does that all the time. Often it’s wrong. But not, instead of just sharing with his parents, he’ll post it on FB and join a group so the display is for the complete public.


    October 4, 2010 at 3:38 pm

    • Fox News is successful for the same reason. You get enough Fox News parrots repeating the same lines of BS, and pretty soon, they all believe it.


      October 6, 2010 at 8:41 pm

      • I agree, the widespread political manipulation that is already happening is the scariest kind of media-spread BS.


        October 7, 2010 at 5:43 pm

      • Actually, it also applies to people who find fault with Fox News automatically, but who embrace the slogans and groupthink of their own viewpoint uncritically.

        Lack of introspection much? Groupthink is bad from any group.


        October 29, 2010 at 7:41 am

  8. In fact, October having 31 days, which is 3 more than 4 weeks, it will always have 3 consecutive days occur 5 times. This particular one will occur any time the 1st of October is a Friday. I’m really not sure where people got this.

    Tom Dickson-Hunt

    October 4, 2010 at 4:19 pm

  9. Maths student. I study the calendar a lot, and it turns out that the Gregorian calendar has a very predictable 28-year cycle. For example, 2010 = 2038 = 2066. So, in exactly 28 years, we will have exactly the same calendar.

    Of course, this cycle “reboots” and shifts a little when it comes to years like 1900 and 2100, which are not leap years as they aren’t divisible by 400. But once that is out of the way, the cycle starts again: for example, 2101 = 2129 = 2157.

    (That’s not to say that 2010 doesn’t equal other years as well (say, 1999). The 28-year cycle factors in leap years as well.)

    Maybe someone mistyped in 28 as 823 (?) Either way, people are trusting the Internet in the wrong way, I totally agree.


    October 4, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    • Sure, I believe that.


      October 6, 2010 at 2:03 pm

      • Please check October 1993


        October 7, 2010 at 2:04 pm

      • January 2010 had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays & 5 Sundays all in one month and so does July 2011 & March 2013.


        October 7, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    • it happens again in October 2021, when I’ll reach the ripe old age of 4857years


      October 17, 2010 at 6:08 pm

  10. Interesting comments. I agree, the Internet has really ramped up the ability for gossip and rumour to spread. I find it fascinating that people still accept (and forward) stuff they see on line uncritically, despite the fact that so so many things turn out to be BS. I believed the first Internet hoax I saw, the story about the guy who attached rocket motors to his car. Since then I have grown increasingly adept at spotting falsehoods on line, yet many (most?) people never seem to upgrade their filters so to speak. Is this because most people have a lower IQ than some, or is there something more subtle going on here in the way people process information?

    And I still think it’s important that some are exploiting this failure to be critical in a systematic way. If humans are programmable enough, the Internet could prove to be something that ultimately enslaves us all. (Well, most of us, but the ones who couldn’t be programmed would have little recourse but to go along.)

    Thanks for the thought provoking comments.


    October 4, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    • I have to agree with you. since the widening of the areas where we can go on the internet we have all turned in to robots and will beleive anything, depending on what side of the tracks you live on. the internet is ment to destroy us. I beleieve it is a terror apperatus started many years ago by Arabs and it has turned in to an infection of gathering information on everyone in the U.S.A. I a Vietnam vet, two tours, but more than that i am a patriot and ready for a revolution


      October 9, 2010 at 3:30 pm

      • I believe you are paranoid!


        October 9, 2010 at 9:32 pm

      • The Net, short for network, was punted into the public domain by the C.I.A. for obvious reasons. I thought everyone knew that.


        October 22, 2010 at 12:49 am

    • Am I missing something obvious here? Doug, you said

      “Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on-line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers…”

      By your own admission you believed what you had read and did what the masses do – pass off more nonsense!

      Then you go on to say

      “I believed the first Internet hoax I saw, the story about the guy who attached rocket motors to his car. Since then I have grown increasingly adept at spotting falsehoods on line, yet many (most?) people never seem to upgrade their filters so to speak…”

      On the basis that this thread started in early October, am I safe to presume that you saw your first online hoax sometime in September??!??!???

      Or is this all another hoax…


      October 26, 2010 at 1:00 pm

      • Steve: you seem to not read very well or the info you are processing is wrong. The original writer if this article did not write the post on this comment thread that you are trying to shred to bits.

        The writer of the blog never said he believed what ge wrote. He said he passed it on and then was horrified that people believed it at face value. Then someone who commented said that they believed a story about a guy in a car or some such nonsense. In order to accurately dispel anything you first have to read and understand what you are doing.


        July 3, 2011 at 6:29 am

  11. so what about January 2010, this hypothesis does not hold


    October 5, 2010 at 3:48 am

  12. […] Este Octubre tiene 5 viernes, 5 sábados y 5 domingos en un mes. Sucede cada 823 Años (Ing)…  por fortunados hace 2 segundos […]

  13. 5 fridays, 5 saturdays, 5 sundays appeared in October 2004.

    there’s a lot of erroneous information put on the web.


    October 5, 2010 at 4:03 am

  14. […] Well, isn't that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it's posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it's a great month to enjoy the weekend and so on. And as I read on, as my astute readers may have guessed, I was soon pounding my head on my keyboard in amazement and horror. Is the average Intern … Read More […]

  15. Drawing the conclusion that the internet is rotting our brains from the fact that a bunch people uncritically accepted the idea that this month has an extra weekend demonstrates equally flaccid thinking. Did you ever consider that people chose to pass the ‘fact’ on just because it’s fun?

    For a well-researched blog into the idea the internet is changing our brains, go here (I have no affiliation to this blog, I just like it)


    October 5, 2010 at 5:09 am

  16. I believe 99% couldnt give a hoot about this “fun” “fact”, and the remaining 1% either passed it on or argued its obvious invalidity.

    As far as facts go

    – its not a fact
    – its not even remotely amusing


    October 5, 2010 at 6:13 am

  17. Very good post – this point scares me as well. One of my big beefs with having family members on Facebook is the facepalming that happens when they post silly things. Especially when they’re obviously getting phished as a result.

    Long live the Internet spammers.


    October 5, 2010 at 6:33 am

  18. […] This October is gonna be awesome! Wondering why your October is turning out to be so epic this year? It’s because it’s weekend-packed! […]

  19. I have lots of friends and family that are very conservative Christian types and they constantly forward emails amongst each other that are just blatantly wrong, incorrect, missing facts, or have added facts. It has gotten so bad that if I see FW: in the subject, I can pretty much guarantee something inside the email is a complete fabrication.

    So why does this happen? I think basically people want to believe the best in people, and this is probably a good thing. And they also think most people are basically truthful. So when they get an email (or tweet or fb status update) from someone they know to be truthful, they assume that the statement is true. They assign the veracity of the sender to the message.

    I was raised by parents who fell for every scam possible. I am the ultimate cynic. I fact-check everything before committing it to memory, and definitely before passing it along. But I seem to be among the minority.

    Let’s all post this : The world is flat – I checked it on snopes. 90% of people will pass it on, because hey, you just said you checked it on snopes. As a matter of fact, only one of the past 50 emails I have gotten that SAID snopes was checked actually had information that agreed with snopes.

    Oh well – good for thought this rare, 823-year morning.


    October 5, 2010 at 7:21 am

  20. Good catch, but there are still only seven basic calendars for October. Leap year just skips the cycle once in a while. There are fourteen possible *Februarys* though.


    October 5, 2010 at 7:56 am

    • Absolutely true, although since the calendar is as continuous as the passage of history, each “leap February” inserts that extra day which then shifts the months (and years) which unceasingly follow.

      Paula Fonseca

      October 9, 2010 at 9:47 am

    • I think the fact which has been misrepresented here is that there are 14 possible *annual* calendars.


      October 14, 2010 at 10:03 am

  21. “Is the average Internet reader so brain dead that they believe the most egregious garbage . . .”

    Garbage like, the internet is “the future”?

    Miles Standish

    October 5, 2010 at 8:35 am

  22. even with 5 fridays, saturday and sundays this month Ill still only get paid twice.


    October 5, 2010 at 8:42 am

    • Best response I’ve seen yet…that is so true for many of us…having 5 full weekends hasn’t changed one thing, from an economic viewpoint. In spite of it all you still gotta smile.


      October 6, 2010 at 11:14 am

    • As I get paid every two weeks (or 26 times a year) there are 2 months where I receive 3 pay cheques. Which really shouldn’t mean much, however rent, debts are paid monthly.. so in these months (like this one) that I receive a 3rd pay cheque Im left with more money that isn’t directly put towards debt/rent.


      October 16, 2010 at 4:38 am

      • I got this email this morning, only it was for July. As i get paid monthly but my rent goes out every Friday I think months with 5 Fridays suck. For me, if these months only occurred once in 823 years I’d be a happy girl. But my bank balance can tell you they happen ALL THE TIME.

        Nice blog.


        March 24, 2011 at 1:03 pm

  23. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the Internet is changing society and people, and I’ve not been reassured.”

    The internet is not making people gullible. The internet is exposing gullibility. “There’s a sucker born every minute.” “What luck for rulers that men do not think.”


    October 5, 2010 at 9:02 am

    • That’s the real truth, Jim. Now every fool can have an instant worldwide following. Before, he/she was either isolated in his own little village as the resident idiot, or at least had to take the initiative to make a lot of copies and lick a lot of stamps to even get a few.

      Paula Fonseca

      October 9, 2010 at 9:50 am

  24. […] click the link to find out more […]

  25. Wow…It is true! Aren’t we lucky to have 5 Sturdays in one month? It means we will have one more free day here in China.


    October 5, 2010 at 9:14 am

  26. wow! omg! really! is that lucky or is it just a fact that was really intresting?
    i think that’s quite cool.


    October 5, 2010 at 9:36 am

  27. This is a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot. Not only if we’re taking face value what we see online, but also if we’re getting almost ALL our information online and how long we spend each day getting it. I just had my first baby and while I was pregnant, I watched Frontline’s Digital Nation and it freaked me out. My baby will grow up in a completely different world. She’ll spend her time messing around on the internet instead of going outside and playing. Yes, yes, I know I can have a say in what she does, but I see a future of fighting to limit computer time to enforce physical activity. I’m not looking forward to deciding if I should be monitoring which sites she looks at or how to go about doing it. I’ll just cross that bridge when I get to it, I guess.

    Per the days of the month, I guess I just took it at face value because I don’t really care about how many times this happens. Does apathy for the subject make me stupid? Maybe.


    October 5, 2010 at 9:47 am

    • Monitoring and restricting can be done. Ours have to earn non-school related computer time. And our computer is out in a common area without the ability to hide the screen – it’s visible to everyone. It can be uncomfortable to enforce, but it’s my job. Once they grow up and develop some common sense, maybe THEN I’ll unblock websites :-)

      Mom of 4

      October 7, 2010 at 2:17 pm

  28. Thanks for posting this. I was a sucker and passed this one along without really questioning it! I actually linked your post to my FB page, with my comment of how I had been sucked in as well…

  29. This doesn’t apply to just the internet. It applies to society in general. When you spit out a very specific fact that seems like you’ve done your research, people will take it as true because we want to believe that there aren’t douchebags out there that would say stuff like that when it’s 100% false. The only point you made was that you are one of those douchebags. Why lie to your fellow man? What have you gained? Well, you pissed off the people that believed you. I bet you voted for Nixon, didn’t you?


    October 5, 2010 at 10:38 am

  30. The Julian calendar this is true, however that calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar in the 1500’s. Any month that has 31 days can have 5 fri, sat and sun…the 1st must be on a friday for this to happen.
    As per Forkable..anyone who does NOT take items as posted for face value, cannot be deemed stupid. Whether you check snopes, wiki, whatever, you are seeking knowledge and that is always a good thing. I am sure you will find that balance on physical and mental activities with your child…just set the rules early and you’ll have no problem. Congratulations and good luck!


    October 5, 2010 at 10:46 am

  31. Got a citation for that laptop study? Or are we just supposed to believe it because we read it on a blog?

    I jest, of course, but you just exhibited the exact same behavior that leads readers into take everything on faith. They don’t expect evidence because, often, none is given.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:12 am

  32. This is amazing. I bet there are some great lotto numbers in the numerology of this. Alas, I never play the lotto. I am very impressed with you entire blog. You are most interesting. Light & Great Facts.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:23 am

  33. It actually happened in January 2010, as well.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:24 am

  34. […] people who read it simply accepted it at face value. What the hell is going on here? (CONTINUES)-… Tags: mindcontrol, Philosophy, Propaganda Comments RSS […]

  35. The reason 99% of the people fell for this, is because it doesn’t matter. No one will make or lose money over this. No one will get hurt.

    You can say there’s 86 Saturdays this month and end up with the same repercussions.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:44 am

  36. Well, well. I guess people have forgotten the joke about nobody knowing you’re really a dog when you try getting dates over the Internet! It’s more about what people want to believe and how much they want to believe it, isn’t it.
    Didn’t our mothers teach us not to believe everything we read? Mine did long before there was an Internet to worry about. The principle’s the same, the medium is different.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:57 am

  37. Though this is a good a good example of how gullible people can be the stupidity of society can’t be attributed to the internet. People have been believing what they are told for thousands of years, the internet just puts this behavior under a microscope so-to-speak. One case of people believing what they are told can be traced back to the 1970’s with the Jonestown incident. Close to 1000 people were made to believe that America was getting so close to a race war that it would be better to commit a mass suicide than have their commune break up and have to move back to the states. There are countless cases throughout history that show how jaded people can be, and most of these happened before the internet existed in any form. I, for one, believe the internet helps stop such behavior by letting these hoaxes get disproven just as easily as rumors of said hoaxes are spread.

    Chance Mercy

    October 5, 2010 at 12:17 pm

  38. I’ve been into blogging for quite some time and this is definitely a effective and well written post. You should definitely check out my blog sometime.

    keep up the great work



    October 5, 2010 at 1:18 pm

  39. How about the old ‘saving pop-tops from soda cans to combat childhood cancer’? That one pre-dates the internet, and can easily be de-bunked with a few keystrokes now. And yet, not only did a local school sign on for this ‘project’ last year, all of the area news outlets reported it. Go figure…


    October 5, 2010 at 1:19 pm

  40. Actually, if you think about it, this phenomenon might be an indication of something positive. I don’t think the actual gullibility of humans is increasing and these types of memes have always existed (how do you think all the major world religions got started?), but now with the internet they run their course and are debunked much faster. So while the internet on one hand provides an excellent vehicle for spreading misinformation, it also serves the opposite purpose of allowing anyone or verify or falsify the info with a little research.

    I think the base problem is most people are just too lazy to follow up…

    Jonathan Duran

    October 5, 2010 at 2:02 pm

  41. …I’ll still probably get dozens of friends/family filling my mailbox with it. I’m still getting mails on how Jupiter and Mars are going to be bigger than the full moon this month!


    October 5, 2010 at 2:51 pm

  42. […] “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once… Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along […] […]

  43. What’s funniest is that I clicked on your headline so I could correct your mistake. I was pleasantly surprised that you were debunking the statement.

    I’m not so sure the Internet is to blame, though. We don’t teach people to think anymore, we teach them to regurgitate facts. I’m all for quantification, but in business it’s an axiom of metrics that “that which is measured improves.”. The corollary to this is, “be careful what you measure,” and we are reaping what we have sown with “standards of learning” built around knowledge rather than understanding or analysis, let alone synthesis.

    So, personally, I read your observation as a symptom rather than a disease. But I could certainly be reading too much into it.


    October 5, 2010 at 5:16 pm

  44. […] “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 8… – “Well, isn’t that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it’s posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it’s a great month to enjoy the weekend and so on. And as I read on, as my astute readers may have guessed, I was soon pounding my head on my keyboard in amazement and horror. Is the average Internet reader so brain dead that they believe the most egregious garbage if they see it posted on a web site?” […]

    Interesting Reading #595 – Super sniper rifle, see-through screen, First artificial heart, human waste heat and much more… – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks

    October 5, 2010 at 5:26 pm

  45. Actually, it’s a shame that some people feel like they are going to impress others by conjuring up false trivia. They don’t realize that most people they post this garbage to are going to check out the accuracy and validity of the statement made. Some people don’t realize how foolish they look when they post false trivia.

    Ken Kassner

    October 5, 2010 at 6:30 pm

  46. Hello,
    I didn’t know that October in 2004 was 823 years ago


    October 5, 2010 at 7:29 pm

  47. […] you know this October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays?  This only happens once every 823 years. […]

    Viva La Weekend

    October 5, 2010 at 8:23 pm

  48. Look at January. Same as October.


    October 5, 2010 at 9:50 pm

  49. Okay, so I personally don’t find this so “stunning” because, this happened in May of 2009 and early this year in January.


    October 5, 2010 at 10:28 pm

  50. Clearly this was photoshopped.


    October 5, 2010 at 11:29 pm

  51. I think you’re missing one possibility. Most people didn’t question the factoid because it *really doesn’t matter*. Kudos for pointing it out but these people weren’t buying insurance, prescribing medicine or anything else.

    Maybe people don’t question things that don’t affect their life greatly. Maybe they have better focus :)


    October 6, 2010 at 1:55 am

  52. It’s gonna happen again March 2013, thats 3 years, not 823 years.


    October 6, 2010 at 2:47 am

  53. Next march tuesday wednesday and thursday will appear 5 times ….


    October 6, 2010 at 2:48 am

  54. […] friend Douglas Styche of Doug’s Darkworld Blog describes it so accurately: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the Internet is changing […]

  55. “It happens only once in 823 years.”
    Wow! That’s really cool!

    Was there anything else worth of my interest in this post?


    October 6, 2010 at 3:04 am

  56. I have it on good authority that Doug is a scaremongerer; will this rumour now become fact?

    Those pesky authorities….


    October 6, 2010 at 5:10 am

  57. Does anyone seriously think because the spammer who started this hoax wasn’t ‘selling insurance or prescribing medicine’ that it “really doesn’t matter” at all? Of course people have a responsibility to ‘have focus’ and learn to screen things like this out of their lives, but the purpose behind this kind of foolishness is destructive, not constructive, and though it may affect each individual only a little (and some not at all) the total effect adds up due to the widespread nature of the Internet.

    So there’s no money involved, but there are more precious things than money. Time is one, and the conscious mind is another. The more time people spend occupying their brains with such trivia, the worse it will be for society on the whole, and I don’t need a research study to tell me that, it’s common sense and a little math. Remember the phrase ‘each one teach one’? Well, the opposite is true: ‘each one spam one’ adds up to a huge (exponential) waste of time.


    October 6, 2010 at 5:32 am

  58. Fantastic post; however, a question mark “?” is missing in your title!


    October 6, 2010 at 6:23 am

    • there’s no question mark missing. it wasn’t a question; he was mimicking the rumor.


      October 6, 2010 at 7:12 pm

  59. […] my last post has turned out to be my most successful post ever, more than 40,000 hits so far. So now what do I […]

  60. Dude . . U have shaken the minds of thousands or maybe millions . .
    Well u can’t help it actually . . Its Human Nature . . We Are Born With it!! . . And We Die With It!! . .
    I’m Glad That U Wrote This Article . .

    Manas Bodh


    October 6, 2010 at 7:40 am

  61. 92% of all statistics are made up and 52% of people will take them at face value. I totally agree that more media, whether TV, internet, newspapers, magazines, etc. are used to push a certain point of view. Everyone wants to be heard and the internet is a very efficient way to do it.

    Striving 4 Mediocrity

    October 6, 2010 at 7:41 am

  62. One of the scarcely recognized pioneers of the modern age of spin-media and politics said this: “How fortunate for rulers that people do not think.” His name? None other than Adolph Hitler. He’s also wrote, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Such has always been true. Media like TV and the internet just makes it far easier and less expensive.

    Mike Denham

    October 6, 2010 at 7:43 am

  63. Thank You man


    October 6, 2010 at 8:38 am

  64. I like the article – very informative and organized to its stature – I hope you enjoy to Earn Free Money Online from Surveys and referrals


    October 6, 2010 at 9:31 am

  65. Ha..ha…I was about to Frwd the SMS to many of my friends…but thought to confirm it once…so landed here….welll this post helped me in saving SMS costss…..and also from embarrassment


    October 6, 2010 at 11:30 am

  66. when i read this i was a little bit like umm…just checked the windows calendar..kept going through the months..and in october 2021 i saw that its the same as this it happens every 11 years..not 823 (just pure bullshit) ..


    October 6, 2010 at 11:54 am

  67. Landed here through a google search, when I saw that ‘..823 years!’ message from a friend and thought it did not sound right.

    Then again, I used internet to confirm it, hoping somebody would have done their research for me :)
    [If not, I would have probably put off the researching part for later, or never at all myself.]

    Thanks for the info and the post made a real good read.


    October 6, 2010 at 12:21 pm

  68. We also had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays 9 months ago (January 2010) hahaha


    October 6, 2010 at 3:01 pm

  69. No it actually happens more often than 11 years. The last time it happened was 6 years ago in 2004, THEN 5 years before that in 1999. Then previous to 1999 it happened in 1993, 1982, 1976, 1971, 1965, 1954, 1948, 1943, 1937, 1926, and so on. This means it happens every 6, 5, 6, and 11 years. So the next time there are 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in October will be in 2021, and then again in 2027.


    October 6, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    • Check 1909 and 1897, it gives 12 years.

      Hint: 2000 was a leap year (as 2400, 1600, 1200, 800, …) and unlike 2300, 2200, 2100, 1900, 1800, 1700, …


      October 12, 2010 at 11:26 pm

      • Check Oct. 1903 and Oct. 1896, it gives 7 years. Or Jan. 1904 and Jan. 1897: again 7 years. Yes, when the year can be divided by 100 and not by 400 (like 1900), it’s no leap year, so the 6-5-6-11 pattern is broken. In this case, we have 7-5-6-11, but starting from 1900, for the next 200 years or so it’s again 6-5-6-11.

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        March 20, 2014 at 11:30 am

    • the calendar repeats every 5 or 6 years given that there is one day extra over exactly 52 weeks a year then 2 day over during leap years


      October 22, 2010 at 4:29 pm

  70. […] "This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once i… Have you heard about this? Do the math. It ain't true. (tags: math urbanlegend) […]

  71. And July 2011…


    October 6, 2010 at 6:38 pm

  72. you’re right that the calander has 14 different possibilities including leap years. ’99 was 11 years from this years and it’s the same. but the calender does not repeat every 14 years or 11 years as the starting day of the month changes one day every 22 years. It actually repeats a full cycle every 96 years.


    October 6, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    • if you look it up, this phenomenon also happens in the 2021 calender


      October 6, 2010 at 9:00 pm

  73. this phenomenon also happens in the 2021 calendar


    October 6, 2010 at 8:59 pm

  74. “No it actually happens more often than 11 years. The last time it happened in October was 6 years ago in 2004, THEN 5 years before that in 1999. Then previous to 1999 it happened in 1993, 1982, 1976, 1971, 1965, 1954, 1948, 1943, 1937, 1926, and so on. This means it happens every 6, 5, 6, and 11 years. So the next time there are 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in October will be in 2021, and then again in 2027.”


    October 6, 2010 at 9:56 pm

  75. last time it was in 2010 january


    October 7, 2010 at 2:11 am

  76. I’m glad to see some people are still smart enough to doubt stuff they read/see/watch on the internet
    I read this little factoid on one of my friends facebookpage and I just couldn’t believe it so i looked some stuff up and came across your blog. read some of the other articles and agree to some extent, the internet is still a good source of information if you go to correct sites where you ca find the source of that information…


    October 7, 2010 at 3:37 am

  77. It’s amazing to me that some people are reading only the title of this then passing it along as fact…with the link!! The text shows that the title is false…but they’re beleiving the title then not being bothered to read the actual article!



    October 7, 2010 at 9:16 am

  78. Google and the internet is a big help to see if information is accurate. The problem lies, is that, people don’t bother to validate information before passing it on. Which in this day and age takes seconds or minutes, which is worth everyones time to do so.


    October 7, 2010 at 9:43 am

  79. This is not true! October of 1993 had 5 friday’s,Saturday’s and Sundays. If you have a calander on your phone you can check this out or you could Google October 1993.


    October 7, 2010 at 10:07 am


    Aashia Noella

    October 7, 2010 at 11:35 am

  81. Funny thing is, most of us who were skeptical wouldn’t have found out if it were true or not, had it not been for google. “What a world, what a world..”


    October 7, 2010 at 1:20 pm

  82. this is rather amusing, has made my night just before i go bed … the world needs unnecessary hype and this is one of them. the best part is cum july next year we have yet anuve 5 fridays, 5 sats, nd 5 sundays. ah well. night night x


    October 7, 2010 at 4:10 pm

  83. I saw that someone “liked” it on facebook, so I googled it to see if it was true (it didn’t seem likely at ALL) and this was the first result.
    The FIRST.
    I think there IS hope for humanity.


    October 7, 2010 at 6:30 pm

  84. so i tried the 6, 5, 6 and 11 years pattern, but i found a different pattern:
    11, 6, 11, 6 years.
    the 6, 5, 6 and 11 years only works for Octobers with 5 fridays, saturdays and sundays, but the 11, 6, 11, 6 pattern works for Januaries and Octobers!
    Try checking!
    so the Januaries and Octobers of 2021, 2027, 2038 etc would have 5 fridays, saturdays and sundays!


    October 7, 2010 at 8:38 pm

  85. I another interesting fact, a factoid is an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print. I believe you mean to state “Well, isn’t that an amazing little fact?”

    Holden McRoin

    October 8, 2010 at 6:33 am

  86. I was just gonna add to this bs…that 2004 has this same thing as does 1993…so for ur 28 year bullshit post go eat some dick and eggs…

    phuc yiu

    October 8, 2010 at 9:03 am

  87. I was just gonna add to this bs…that 2004 has this same thing as does 1993…so for ur 28 year bullshit post go eat a bowl of dicks…

    phuc yiu

    October 8, 2010 at 9:06 am

  88. Have you ever looked at past calenders? It happened in 2004, 1999, 1993 and so on…??????? WTF?


    October 8, 2010 at 9:17 am

  89. […] does not only happen once every 823 years. One only has to go back to 1999 to see an October with 5 weekends. Filed under Skeptic Comment (RSS) […]

  90. Funny how even this post is wrong.

    I think the biggest problem is people do not cross reference facts they read online. The very fact I’m on this site is because I received the email about this happening every 823 years and thought “that doesn’t sound right!?”, so checked it in a few more places. I think in this modern age where all sorts of information is easily accessible, kids should be taught the importance of cross referencing multiple sources of information.

    In addition to that, know your sources: who are they? why is this their opinion? What agenda’s might they have?


    October 8, 2010 at 10:37 am

  91. This is not true. The last time October had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month was 2004. You can test this yourself with the calendar on your computer.

    It has happend. in 2004, 1999, 1993, 1982, 1976….. You see the pattern


    October 8, 2010 at 11:05 am

  92. I was only pointing out the years that had the exact same calendar as 2010, not years where the October calendar was the same. I wasn’t as clear as I could have been about that. And yes, the image was photoshopped. :) — Doug


    October 8, 2010 at 11:18 am

  93. […] October 9, 2010 by Chef Vuong Well, isn't that an amazing little factoid? I read that on line and did what everyone else did, passed it along to delight and edify my readers. And it's posted all over the Internet, often with dozens of comments and jokes about how cool it is and how it's a great month to enjoy the weekend and so on. And as I read on, as my astute readers may have guessed, I was soon pounding my head on my keyboard in amazement and horror. Is the average Intern … Read More […]

  94. IT happens again next July 2011

    Sissy Karen

    October 9, 2010 at 5:24 am

  95. Thanks! I received a chain email calling these days money bag days and to pass it on to 8 people, yada yada yada. I passed it to 8 friends w the note that it was false. It also happened in 2004 due to the leap year. That is how I knew it was false. I remember Halloween ’04 forever because it was the last Halloween my son celebrated with his late father who brought him back from his scheduled visit on a Sunday and took him trick or treating. I’ll never forget that.


    October 9, 2010 at 10:03 am

  96. So I was thinking that the author of this article likes to rant and is pretty hypocritical in the sense that she herself uses the internet. This is evident obviously since she posted this and has links to other webpages she found via google. On the grounds of her opinions, it’s hard to disagree but the internet is making the entire world smarter.


    October 9, 2010 at 11:36 am

  97. Apparently so. Let’s think about this, a year can only start on one of seven days, so there are seven possible basic calendar years. Add leap years, and there are fourteen basic calendars. Period. And one of those calendars only gets used every 823 years? How would that be possible? It’s not of course

    Joshwa Anderson

    October 9, 2010 at 11:47 am

  98. Hi Doug, I came upon your site checking the validity of a FB status claiming your 800+ year statement. I think it’s hilarious that you made it up. I was wondering if I could repost or make a reference to this post on my blog? Thanks!

    John Lacson

    October 9, 2010 at 8:30 pm

  99. […] 99% of people who read it simply accepted it at face value. What the hell is going on here?…-in-823-years/ 2005 KTM 525 SX Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread « […]

  100. I SOOO knew this couldn’t be true! People want something to believe in and will believe Anything hence Many of the reasons for the ignorance in our society. lol Just a small showing of how naive people really are. Just like 10-10-10 happens every 100 years not 1000. Take the time to find things out for yourself people! Don’t be duped.


    October 10, 2010 at 7:44 am

  101. July 2011 has 5fri 5 sat, and 5 sundays. bad fun fact


    October 10, 2010 at 8:23 am

  102. there is a 1/7 chance of any month beginning on a Friday. There is a 7/12 chance of a month having 31 days. Therefore there is a 1/7 x 7/12 = 1/12 chance of 5 Fri, Sat, Sun occurring. So the average occurrence is once a year.


    October 10, 2010 at 2:07 pm

  103. Because there are 13 4 week cycles and 12 months, there are 4 extra weeks of days that get dispersed through out the months. There are 5 extra of every day 4 times a year in various months, its kind of sad the average person does not get that.

    Dizzle D

    October 10, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    • I mean 4 extra of every day…oops!

      Dizzle D

      October 10, 2010 at 5:49 pm

  104. Not to mention that January 2010 also had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays… and next July 2o11 also has 5 of each….etc etc etc

    Marg b

    October 10, 2010 at 6:59 pm

  105. very good


    October 11, 2010 at 5:40 am

  106. Funny factoid: If make no changes to the calendar we use today 823 years from now October won’t even start on a Friday. It will start on a Saturday.


    October 11, 2010 at 1:13 pm

  107. Finally someone posted it. People just blindly believe what they read in an email, without question. I worship
    By the way, I’m beautiful, skinny and rich. It’s true, I typed it.


    October 11, 2010 at 9:04 pm

  108. How would anyone believe this? I saw this today an immediately thought what idiot is saying this. Double checked just to prove my point.


    October 12, 2010 at 12:25 pm

  109. With respect, the reason you saw 99% stupid comments wherever you saw these comments is not because 99% of people who read about this alledged “phenomenon” are stupid, just that 99% of those that chose to comment are stupid. There’s a huge difference. For instance, those who think something extraordinary is occuring will obviously be far more likely to comment than those who instantly recognize this to be the crock of bull that it is, as they are enthused by what they have read.

    Less patting of your own back is in order- you have displayed a similar level of lack of understanding of fundamental statistics as the people who believe this story display with regard to the Gregorian calender.


    October 12, 2010 at 7:15 pm

  110. Check out October 2004.


    October 12, 2010 at 8:21 pm

  111. It is bullshit.

    Look at May 2009, July 2011, March 2013, August 2014….. and so many!


    October 12, 2010 at 9:56 pm

  112. What’s interesting now is the number of comments that have been posted here where people are just countering the rumour – as if the text of the article does not. It looks like the same people who were suckered into it and who now look foolish are googling the rumour and immediately commenting without checking what the post actually says. They just don’t learn, do they?

    John H Woods

    October 13, 2010 at 2:48 am

  113. It doesn’t require a brain surgeon to know that ANY 31 day months starting on a Friday HAS to have 5 fridays, saturdays and sundays.


    October 13, 2010 at 3:45 am

  114. I know we’re not supposed to believe everything we read, so I would like to point out that Doug made an error in his post. There are indeed only 7 ways to start a week, but when we add in the effects of leap year, we need to multiply 7 by 4, not 2, so the calendar repeats every 28 years. This was pointed out in some of the replies, but not explicitly. There are some repeats of months within the 28 years, but (other than century years) you can count on an entire year repesting every 28. Lets here it for the calendar of 2038!


    October 13, 2010 at 4:17 am

    • Huh? There’s seven possible basic calenders since the year starts on one of the seven days of the week. And a year is either a leap year or it’s not, so there’s only 14 possible annual calendars. How do you get 28?

      Virtual Calendar

      I certainly missed some of the nuances people have pointed out, but you’re gonna have to show me a link with 28 annual calendars and explain why you multiply by four? — Doug


      October 14, 2010 at 7:24 am

  115. Hello,

    I think you took only half of the condition.

    It was originally stated with two conditions:

    # 1 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year.

    # 2 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.

    The October months you show do not meet both conditions.



    October 13, 2010 at 5:20 am

  116. Nobody cares about the damn calendar – it’s the money thing!


    October 13, 2010 at 12:11 pm

  117. In Aug month got another crap saying “This August: once in every 823 Years—from an e-mail”
    In August 2010 something happens that only happens every 823 years:
    5 Sundays…
    5 Mondays…
    5 Tuesdays…


    October 13, 2010 at 12:12 pm

  118. In Aug month got another crap saying “This August: once in every 823 Years—from an e-mail”
    In August 2010 something happens that only happens every 823 years:
    5 Sundays…
    5 Mondays…
    5 Tuesdays…


    October 13, 2010 at 12:13 pm

  119. Anyone with half a brain should be able to noodle out that ANY 31-day month that commences on a Friday is going to have 5 3-day weekends.

    But then, the average American has the analytical skills of a sand flea and the gullibility of Rose Nylund.


    October 14, 2010 at 7:01 am

  120. Can we get 5 paychecks then?


    October 14, 2010 at 7:58 am

  121. 5 Fri’s, 5 Sat’s and 5 Sun’s fell in the month of OCT on every 11 years, 6 years, 5 years and 6 years cycle!
    this OCT 2010 has 5 of each, it will hapen again after 11 years in OCT 2021, then after 6 years in OCT 2027, then after 5 years in OCT 2032, then after 6 years in OCT 2038, then after 11 years in OCT 2049!!
    same pattern you can find if you go back! prior to this year, 6 years ago we had 5 of each on OCT 2004, this 11y-6y-5y-6y-11y cycle pattern gose on and on!
    “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.” is not true at all.

    Nisar Patni

    October 14, 2010 at 5:04 pm

  122. […] more information about the cycling nature of the calendar you can read how Doug breaks it down: Let’s think about this, a year can only start on one of seven days, so there are seven possible […]


    October 14, 2010 at 6:10 pm

  123. Finally, someone notices it. :-)

    Seems to be an interesting mass psychological experiment: post some bullshit in the web and watch who it speads… it seems the spread in particular via facebook. ;-)

    One more interesting thing: one finds this in the web with 823 years and with 832 years. Thuas someone did not just copy & paste but typed it by hand getting the numner “wrong”…. which was then copies many times too. ;-)


    October 14, 2010 at 11:38 pm

  124. what a nonsense, everytime the 1 st of October falls on a friday you will have that. It happens every few year.
    Last time in 2004.


    October 17, 2010 at 11:32 am

  125. americans about to believe anything you post them, eat anything you fed them LOL


    October 17, 2010 at 11:40 am

  126. I got the 823 years thing this morning and ‘started to’ pass it on, but wanted to check it out to be sure it was right. I had a feeling it wasn’t because I have a book that shows the calendars for 100 years. I just knew this was false. Glad I found your comment to verify.


    October 18, 2010 at 7:29 am

  127. Checking all the years given…the only difference I noticed is the alignment of the 5 Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays (a perfect block of 3×5)….I have not checked other years…still checking it out


    October 18, 2010 at 12:01 pm

  128. The calendar falsehood, like other chain emails that urge readers to forward to others, was created for the purpose of bringing mail servers to their knees. Consider chain emails a type of virus.


    October 18, 2010 at 1:40 pm

  129. January 2010 5 fridays … saturdays … etc :) bullshits


    October 18, 2010 at 3:41 pm

  130. Must have been a politician who came up with this and we were to swallow the whole mess of crap w/o asking or checking.


    October 19, 2010 at 4:23 am

  131. I also didn’t believe this was true at first and then I did some research and found your website. Then I went to a 20th century calendar and found that in the past 30 years there has been 4 occurrences of 5 weekends in October.

    1999 (11 years ago)
    1993 (17 years ago)
    1982 (28 years ago)
    1971 (39 years ago)

    I’m shocked at the kind of rubbish people beleive.


    October 19, 2010 at 2:24 pm

  132. DOUGS DARK DECIETFUL WORLD! WHY PRINT LIES ‘DAAAAAAAAAWG’? YOU ARE A NON TRUTHER, A LIAR AND NEED TO BUY A CALENDER. or, you probably dont even know how to read a Calender, do you?

    People, dont listen to this crazy person

    Please tell me where you got your DIS-INFO?


    October 20, 2010 at 3:49 am

  133. I also didn’t believe this was true at first and then I did some research and found your website. Then I went to a 20th century calendar and found that in the past 30 years there has been 4 occurrences of 5 weekends in October.

    1999 (11 years ago)
    1993 (17 years ago)
    1982 (28 years ago)
    1971 (39 years ago)

    I’m shocked at the kind of rubbish people beleive.



    October 20, 2010 at 3:50 am

  134. Sorry to Michael Syke, you are a truther, but would love to know where Dawg gets his facts from….Not the DAAAAAAAWG programme by any chance….must feel really stupent


    October 20, 2010 at 3:55 am

  135. Doug has changed his email address and gone on holiday. You can contact him at ‘’


    October 20, 2010 at 4:14 am

  136. What ARE you going on about AYE? What dis-info? Granted it’s a little hard to parse what you are trying to say, but it sounds like you didn’t bother to read past the title of the post. — Doug


    October 20, 2010 at 5:57 am

  137. Aye, true, but your headline was deceptive, some people work in busy offices and dont have time to study small print until later. It was about 48hours later after telling everyone about your headline before i eventually read your small print


    October 20, 2010 at 6:20 am

  138. Anyway, where did this idea arrise and how did this information get into circulation that people actual;ly believe this nonesense?


    October 20, 2010 at 6:22 am

  139. WOW,WOW!! QUIET interestin 5fri.sat,sun..its a reccurent phemenon pattern of 6,5,6, and 11year back front dates,this is not a fact as people think but rather a fun post by people..the year of 10 10 10 is a clumsy memorial year……do some mathematical tabulation for ya self,yea,yea…

    francis obu

    October 20, 2010 at 6:55 am

  140. Is this a test regarding Iron Mountain? Is this the N.W.O trying to find out whether or not they have us so numbed down by soap operas and junk-food that we will just jump off the cliff like lemmings believing the 1st thing we read on a web-site? I do not see the point of such a stupid lie that is so easily eliminated by a quick check of any calender. I feel let down, not by doug, but by the other scamsters i found on the net selling this stuff i took them at face value


    October 20, 2010 at 7:16 am

  141. The calendar is very consistent.

    Every year except leap year, the day of the month is one day later than it was the year before (for purposes of this discussion, January
    and February experience leap year the year after the leap year for obvious reasons.

    A day of the month will generally be on a certain day of the week every 5-6 years, depending upon the number of leap years in between;

    two leap years in between, then 5 years; one leap year then 6 years in between.

    The ONLY exceptions are when a certain day is skipped itself due to the leap year.

    In question are October 29, 30, and 31, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

    We will do the 29th only, as the 30th and 31st follow. The list below shows the day of the week on which the 29th of October falls each year.

    2010 – Friday
    2011 – Saturday
    2012 – Monday (Sunday skipped because of the leap year)
    2013 – Tuesday
    2014 – Wednesday
    2015 – Thursday
    2016 – Saturday (note Friday is skipped because it is a leap year)
    2017 – Sunday
    2018 – Monday
    2019 – Tuesday
    2020 – Thursday (Wednesday skipped/leap year)
    2021 – Friday only 11 years, not 875 years even close (note, all days except Wednesday are repeated, on which it will be in 2025-11 years)

    The calendar IS very consistent

    Do not believe most of what you read or hear (unless I wrote it or said it), as most people blow hot air.

    vaughan griffin

    October 20, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    • What about 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500? ;-)


      October 20, 2010 at 6:17 pm

      • No leap years, so they break the 6-5-6-11 pattern

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        March 20, 2014 at 11:18 am

  142. no actually it happens every year or 2 years. july 2011, march 2013, august 2014….and so on….

    meg short

    October 21, 2010 at 5:27 pm

  143. […] 800+ years… Total hogwash. It happens regularly at a far smaller frequency than 832 years. “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once … __________________ lance '08 USE20L−FEZRHA Obsidian '93 JZA80L-ALFVZA Alpine Silver […]

  144. it happens in october 2410


    October 23, 2010 at 2:36 pm

  145. “This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.”
    What about October 1999?


    October 23, 2010 at 6:38 pm

  146. This January also has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month.

    John Smith

    October 24, 2010 at 4:22 am

  147. July 2011 also has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month.

    John Smith

    October 24, 2010 at 4:27 am

  148. You can’t be too hard on them, after all – you repeated it as fact on your blog. You ask if anyone thinks, but maybe you should start with a personal rule about not repeating something you see on the internet until you fact check it. If everyone did, it would make the cyber world a better place.


    October 24, 2010 at 11:39 am

  149. I been curious about this myself, that the internet seems to make very credulous citizens of us. But then in an apparent denial of that very proposition, I wondered if that was actually the case or is the public access to so many random, off-the-cuff opinions merely an unprecidented access to what was a fairly banal, unsophisticated, credulous populace all along?


    October 25, 2010 at 1:01 am

  150. What I have noticed is the call form everyone is that the fact is

    ” Oct 2010 has 5 FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS”
    not just 5 days in a month multiple times.


    October 25, 2010 at 4:23 am

  151. The naivetee of the public, and this includes my friends who send me warnings that Hotmail is shutting down, is shocking and appalling, especially when ridiculous statements can be elucidated through a simple GOOGLE, for god’s sake. This is how I came to your blog, after all. The other thing that bothers be, though, is your lack of proper sentence structure in an article that denigrates people of lesser literacy.


    October 25, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    • My grammar checking didn’t come up with anything but a few missing hyphens. In any event this was a quickly written blog post, not something I spent a great deal of time on. And I wasn’t denigrating people of lesser literacy, I was pointing out that many people have a habit of believing stuff they read with little or no consideration of its accuracy. Thanks for your comment. —Doug


      October 25, 2010 at 4:05 pm

  152. So your argument is that prior to the Internet people rigorously researched and fact checked information and news provided by trusted and authoritative sources? But now 99% of us are just mush-brained? If you say so Lou….

    Don Stone

    October 25, 2010 at 3:53 pm

  153. Great article.

    Richard F

    October 25, 2010 at 6:24 pm

  154. Check it out. Not Spam. 823 days VERY related, and quite funny too.


    October 25, 2010 at 8:33 pm

  155. Putting to one side the probability that the whole “823” jobby is no doubt nothing more than a bit of a wheeze and is therefore being taken maybe a little too seriously on these pages. My thoughts are that we should all be rather thankful of our own gullibility. Without it most advertising wouldn`t work, Political persuasion wouldn`t work and society as we understand it would quite possibly dissolve.


    October 26, 2010 at 7:01 am

  156. If any one has a brain, they just need to check this years calendar good. January also had 5 fridays, 5 saturdays and 5 sundays. That sure does shoot the “823” year bit to smitherines, doesn’t it.

    Phyllis Isenhart

    October 26, 2010 at 8:47 am

  157. Actuarily, I ran some supercomputer modeling, and “10-10-10” occurs in Octobers with 5 Fri/Sat/Sundays every 400 years pretty consistently (except for a 300-year anomaly between 1710 & 2010). The recent and imminent years are 1310, 1710, 2010, 2410, 2810, 3210 & 3610. The supercomputer is still scenario-crunching to determine what happens predictably every 823 years, but amazingly in the year 823, Crete was conquered from the Byzantines by the Saracens and Emperor Junna ascended to the throne of Japan. It seems most likely that “823” in the recent web hyper-spread relates to United Airlines Flight 823, which was a scheduled flight from Philadelphia International Airport, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Huntsville International Airport, Huntsville, Alabama with 39 on board. On July 9, 1964 at approximately 18:15 EST it crashed 2 miles northeast of Parrottsville, Tennessee after experiencing an uncontrollable fire on board, killing all 39. The fire of unknown origin initiated below the passenger floor and eventually involved the passenger cabin, which was tragic, but at least it didn’t happen on 10-10-10.


    October 26, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    • Interesting; I have an explanation for the 300-year anomaly between 1710 & 2010: the Gregorian calendar was introducuced first in 1582 and 10 days were skipped; but in England and the colonies which later became the USA it was introduced only in 1752, so in these countries the Julian calendar was still valid in 1710, and according to a tool I have found to convert a Gregorian date to a Julian date ( Oct. 1st 1710 was a Friday in the Julian calendar (Wednesday in the Gregorian), so 1710 with 5 Fri/Sat/Sundays in October is correct for England and USA (not for Austria, France, Spain and many other catholic countries of this time; for them it’s 1610).

      But 1310 is not correct; according to the tool, Oct. 1st 1710 was a Thursday in the Julian calendar … and this is obvious, because in the Julian calendar 1600 was no leap year, which it was in the Gregorian … so one day more in 400 years and no 5 Fri/Sat/Sundays in Oct. 1310, sorry …

      No Kangaroos in Austria

      March 20, 2014 at 12:34 pm

      • Error: according to the tool, Oct. 1st 1310 was a Thursday in the Julian calendar …

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        March 20, 2014 at 12:36 pm

      • undo, undo, undo …

        According to the tool, Oct. 1st 1710 was not a Friday, but a SUNDAY in the Julian calendar (Wednesday in the Gregorian).

        When I did the conversion with the tool, Oct. 1st 1710 Gregorian was converted to Sept. 20th Julian, so it was the Julian month of SEPTEMBER 1710 which showed 5 Fri/Sat/Sundays, not OCTOBER – sorry, no reason for finding 1710 as a valid year, the only Julian years ending with 10 and containing 5 Fri/Sat/Sundays are 1210 and 510 (and also 1910, which would work for Russia e.g.)

        So any US-based supercomputer should work out 510, 1210, 2010, 2410, 2810, …

        No Kangaroos in Austria

        April 22, 2014 at 9:20 am

  158. wow this is ridiculas i serched up 823 yeas agos calender and it wasnt 5 sunday 5 saturdays and 5 fridays


    October 28, 2010 at 10:47 am

  159. NOTHING WEIRD SPECIAL with October 2010. January 2010 has also 5 FRIDAYS, 5 SATURDAYS, 5 SUNDAYS. It is ridiculous, this factoid of 5/5/5 not happen once in 11 years, NOR IN 823 years! IT HAPPENED TWICE THIS YEAR! Maybe the same calendar will happen again in 11 years


    October 29, 2010 at 11:44 am

  160. what a disappointment!! I heard about tis at some wedding party – i wondered for a while before deciding to check it out – and that how I bumped into this cite… yes most people just believe any written word, yet they would not look twice at the bible because ‘it is all humancreation and lies’. what the h……!


    October 31, 2010 at 1:20 pm

  161. […] the road. I once again want to welcome my new readers, my silly quickly dashed off post about the five days in October thing got more traffic than any post I’ve ever written, and some of them liked what they […]

  162. […] twitterte oder facebookte, dass es fünf Freitage, Samstage und Sonntage in einem Oktober nur aller 823 Jahr gibt, gewinnt ganz viel Geld und wird bald einsam sein. Oder umgekehrt. Und wer jeden Blödsinn glaubt, […]

  163. […] shall not go into a detailed explanation as others have done so already, and with more elegance than I could possibly hope for, and it has already been debunked by […]

  164. So I read this post back in October and now a friend posted it on thier status about the 5/5/5 in July. Hahaha… I schooled them.


    January 10, 2011 at 12:23 pm

  165. Its july 2011 when its happening this year not october! even the internets not right!

    Molly jeppson

    January 14, 2011 at 9:34 am

  166. […] and 5 Sundays? How often does it happen?   Julien Vaché, Sales Director, LogMeIn…Insert a dynamic date hereView All 0 CommentsCannot add comment at this time. Add […]

  167. I have a 50 year calendar, with slide knob. It happened in 1940,1946,1957,1963,1968,1974,1985.

    Sue Briers

    March 19, 2011 at 6:42 pm

  168. Or, it could just mean that this little factoid is not really worth the time of being skeptical. I read the first line about the 823 years and thought “Well that’s pretty cool”. The reason this was my first reaction instead of dropping everything I was doing to try and debunk this theory, is because I have much more important things to think about. I’m glad that you realize that people don’t really pay attention to what they read. I hope you aren’t expecting some sort of Nobel prize for “discovering” that people don’t really care about proving other peoples’ statements false as much as you do. You should get a hobby that takes up some of your time. If you don’t, you will go completely mad when you realize how much money people waste when they purchase something and just trust the cashier that the amount he/she just read off is correct.


    April 29, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    • Some people think about the things they see and read. Some don’t. Your post classifies you.

      Terry Dunham

      April 29, 2011 at 12:40 pm

  169. well, one might look at the month of July 2011 too.

    johnny v

    June 3, 2011 at 2:21 pm

  170. …the usual nonsense that virus-spreaders KNOW WILL BE BELIEVED AND WILL BE PASSED ON!…usually to a LARGE number in their address books…precisely what they want you to do!


    Alan Titterington

    June 13, 2011 at 4:38 am

  171. LOL. I heard the same BS yesterday about July 2011…
    And what about? Jan. 2010 the same year as this post of Oct. 2010 NOW that was on it’s own is a epic fail And It will happen again in July 2011 and March 2013.

    The 823 year event???? What ever…


    June 29, 2011 at 4:13 am

  172. Hi

    When you check the same in July 2016 (just 5 years from 2011), the same 5 Fri-Sat-Sun repeats

    Any logic behinds on this, instead of 823 years



    July 8, 2011 at 10:12 pm

  173. I’ve been recycling my Metropolitan Museum desk calendar for many years. The one I have now is from 2005 and it replicates this year’s 2011.

    Lily Havey

    July 17, 2011 at 9:14 am

  174. HISTORICAL YEAR 2011.

    ENDS OF 12 MTHS THIS YR. SHOW EA WEEKDAY AFTER THE 28TH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    M, T, W, T, F, S, S,


    HISTORY !!!!!!!!!











    July 23, 2011 at 6:34 pm

  175. Well actually what I’m seeing is “This October has 5 Mondays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.” The days you have listed are Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. So the October 1999 calendar is incorrect because it does not have 5 Mondays. I don’t have time to do the figuring to see when the last time this actually happened so curious to know if you will refigure.


    September 20, 2011 at 7:23 am

  176. Nevermind. I see a repy stating October 2005 is the same as the October 2011 year. So it’s only been 6 years since this has happened. lol


    September 20, 2011 at 7:27 am

  177. wingman wrote: “Yes, and in the vernacular, they’re called liberals!”

    That’s the best you’ve got? You’d do better spending your time on analytical thinking about the issue at hand. Yeah, liberals are just gullible. But wait: wasn’t it Michelle Bachman who believed an unnamed stranger from the GOP debate audience, who told her a vaccine caused her child to become retarded? Wasn’t it MB, who then repeated the audience member’s claim (if the audience member even existed, I’m not so gullible as to believe it) on national TV, further spreading such ignorance? I think gullibility and ignorance span the liberal-conservative spectrum. But ignorance is worst in those who feel the need to turn a conversation that’s refuting a wild claim into a one-sided rant. The vernacular where i live calls people like you narrow-minded doofuses. And you’re welcome.


    September 20, 2011 at 2:56 pm

  178. In order for this to pattern to work, the 1st must fall on a Saturday & there must be 31 days in the month. That leaves 7 months out of 12 where it is possible to have 5 sets of 3 sequential days. With leap year falling once every 4 years, my guess would be it occurs once every 6-8 years for each of the 7 months containing 31 days.

    Katalyst Wizard

    September 20, 2011 at 11:59 pm

  179. Your writting this on the Internet douche bag. Which means the only people that read it are in fact on the Internet. Did I mention your a douche bag? Let’s check on the Internet. Yes, yes I did.


    September 22, 2011 at 3:16 am

  180. Get a life mate!!

    Gordon packer

    September 29, 2011 at 8:32 pm

  181. 2005 and 1994 had 5 Sat, 5 Sun, and 5 Mondays.

    David L

    October 1, 2011 at 8:18 pm

  182. […] […]

  183. I did the same thing… “WOw, really? Guess what……”
    And now, trying to prove someone something, I come across this and…. Bam, I feel like a moron! >:(

    Jessica H

    October 5, 2011 at 8:05 am

  184. It just amazes me how people are fascinated with this particular post! This MUST be your most active post!?


    October 10, 2011 at 5:24 am

  185. If only 1% of the population think a little before they forward an e-mail containing rubbish, and if only 1% of those want to find out where this rubbish comes from, it would still result in a fair number of people who are candidates to participate in this discussion. And why one year later? Well, some hoax-mails take quite a while until they have spread all over the globe.

    No Kangaroos in Austria

    October 10, 2011 at 6:55 am

  186. Going around again!! This time its june 2012, maybe july, I can’t be bothered to load facebook back up on my phone.


    April 21, 2012 at 12:40 pm

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  207. […] so excited that October has 5 Weekends in it this year. There’s time for a whole weekend’s worth of halloween […]

  208. Ditto.. I just reveived 4 of each day for Febr 2018….. and 823 years.. Bla bla , so I replied go and check your calendar for Febr 2019. ,,, only 1 year later. 😅
    8 Years after your publication and people still get trapped!


    January 9, 2018 at 11:26 am

  209. […] Well, it turns out, the 823 years thing is not true. Not even close, as the clever writer of this blog explains. […]

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